Using the manager

django-postgres-extra provides the psqlextra.manager.PostgresManager which exposes a lot of functionality. Your model must use this manager in order to use most of this package's functionality.

There are four ways to do this:

  • Inherit your model from psqlextra.models.PostgresModel:
from psqlextra.models import PostgresModel

class MyModel(PostgresModel):
    myfield = models.CharField(max_length=255)
  • Override default manager with psqlextra.manager.PostgresManager:
from django.db import models
from psqlextra.manager import PostgresManager

class MyModel(models.Model):
    # override default django manager
    objects = PostgresManager()

    myfield = models.CharField(max_length=255)
  • Provide psqlextra.manager.PostgresManager as a custom manager:
from django.db import models
from psqlextra.manager import PostgresManager

class MyModel(models.Model):
    # custom mananger name
    beer = PostgresManager()

    myfield = models.CharField(max_length=255)

# use like this:

# not like this:
MyModel.objects.upsert(..) # error!
  • Use the psqlextra.util.postgres_manager on the fly:

    This allows the manager to be used anywhere on any model, but only within the context. This is especially useful if you want to do upserts into Django's ManyToManyField's generated through table:

from django.db import models
from psqlextra.util import postgres_manager

class MyModel(models.Model):
    myself = models.ManyToManyField('self')

# within the context, you can access psqlextra features
with postgres_manager(MyModel.myself.through) as manager:

Conflict handling

The PostgresManager comes with full support for PostgreSQL's ON CONFLICT DO .... This is an extremely useful feature for doing concurrency safe inserts. Often, when you want to insert a row, you want to overwrite it already exists, or simply leave the existing data there. This would require a SELECT first and then possibly a INSERT. Within those two queries, another process might make a change to the row. The alternative of trying to insert, ignoring the error and then doing a UPDATE is also not good. That would result in a a lot of write overhead (due to logging). Luckily, PostgreSQL offers ON CONFLICT DO ..., which allows you to specify what PostgreSQL should do in case that row already exists.

django-postgres-extra brings full support for PostgreSQL's ON CONFLICT DO ..., allowing blazing fast and concurrency safe inserts:

from django.db import models
from psqlextra.models import PostgresModel
from psqlextra.query import ConflictAction

class MyModel(PostgresModel):
    myfield = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)

# insert or update if already exists, then fetch, all in a single query
obj2 = (
    .on_conflict(['myfield'], ConflictAction.UPDATE)

# insert, or do nothing if it already exists, then fetch
obj1 = (
    .on_conflict(['myfield'], ConflictAction.NOTHING)

# insert or update if already exists, then fetch only the primary key
id = (
    .on_conflict(['myfield'], ConflictAction.UPDATE)

Constraint specification

The on_conflict function's first parameter denotes the name of the column(s) in which the conflict might occur. Although you can specify multiple columns, these columns must somehow have a single constraint. For example, in case of a unique_together constraint.

Multiple columns

Specifying multiple columns is necessary in case of a constraint that spans multiple columns, such as when using Django's unique_together:

from django.db import models
from psqlextra.models import PostgresModel

class MyModel(PostgresModel)
    class Meta:
        unique_together = ('first_name', 'last_name',)

    first_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    last_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)

obj = (
    .on_conflict(['first_name', 'last_name'], ConflictAction.UPDATE)
    .insert_and_get(first_name='Henk', last_name='Jansen')

HStore keys

Catching conflicts in columns with a UNIQUE constraint on a hstore key is also supported:

from django.db import models
from psqlextra.models import PostgresModel
from psqlextra.fields import HStoreField

class MyModel(PostgresModel)
    name = HStoreField(uniqueness=['en'])

id = (
    .on_conflict([('name', 'en')], ConflictAction.NOTHING)
    .insert(name={'en': 'Swen'})

This also applies to "unique together" constraints in a hstore field:

class MyModel(PostgresModel)
    name = HStoreField(uniqueness=[('en', 'ar')])

id = (
    .on_conflict([('name', 'en'), ('name', 'ar')], ConflictAction.NOTHING)
    .insert(name={'en': 'Swen'})

insert vs insert_and_get

After specifying on_conflict you can use either insert or insert_and_get to perform the insert.


  • Perform the insert, and then returns the primary key of the row that was inserted or it conflicted with.


  • Perform the insert, then returns the entire row that was inserted or it conflicted with, in the form of a model instance.


The standard Django methods for inserting/updating are not affected by on_conflict. It was a conscious decision to not override or change their behavior. The following completely ignores the on_conflict :

obj = (
    .on_conflict(['first_name', 'last_name'], ConflictAction.UPDATE)
    .create(first_name='Henk', last_name='Jansen')

The same applies to methods such as update, get_or_create, update_or_create etc.

Conflict actions

There's currently two actions that can be taken when encountering a conflict. The second parameter of on_conflict allows you to specify that should happen.


  • If the row does not exist, insert a new one.
  • If the row exists, update it.

This is also known as a "upsert".


  • If the row does not exist, insert a new one.
  • If the row exists, do nothing.

This is preferable when the data you're about to insert is the same as the one that already exists. This is more performant because it avoids a write in case the row already exists.


bulk_insert allows your to use conflict resolution for bulk inserts:

from django.db import models
from psqlextra.models import PostgresModel

class MyModel(PostgresModel):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)

obj = (
    .on_conflict(['name'], ConflictAction.UPDATE)

bulk_insert uses a single query to insert all specified rows at once. It returns a list of dict() with each dict() being a merge of the dict() passed in along with any index returned from Postgres.


In order to stick to the "everything in one query" principle, various, more advanced usages of bulk_insert are impossible. It is not possible to have different rows specify different amounts of columns. The following example does not work:

from django.db import models
from psqlextra.models import PostgresModel

class MyModel(PostgresModel):
    first_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
    last_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='kooij')

obj = (
    .on_conflict(['name'], ConflictAction.UPDATE)
        dict(name='henk', last_name='poepjes'), # invalid, different column configuration

An exception is thrown if django-postgres-extra detects this behavior.


The on_conflict, insert and insert_or_create methods were only added in django-postgres-extra 1.6. Before that, only ConflictAction.UPDATE was supported in the following form:

from django.db import models
from psqlextra.models import PostgresModel

class MyModel(PostgresModel):
    myfield = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)

obj = (

id = (


These two short hands still exist and are not deprecated. They behave exactly the same as ConflictAction.UPDATE and are there for convenience. It is up to you to decide what to use.